We have now published our Newland family tree upon the US genealogy website Family Tree DNA. Our tree has over 5000 ancestors and dates back as far as King Robert the Bruce of Scotland and also Ollec Flandrensis born about 1070 the direct ancestor of the Earls of Sutherland. It not only includes Lord Newland's paternal dynastic Newland line but also his maternal line too and also includes many descending family branch lines for you to explore.

There is still much more genealogical research to do so new ancestors will be added when they are discovered. Please note our family tree is for research purposes only and always bear in mind that mistakes with inputting data and conflicting records can happen therefore we advise you to always cross-reference and check with your own records. If you think there is an error in our family tree please inform us of it. If you find out that you are a distant relation let us know it would be great to hear from you!

You will need to have an account with Family Tree DNA to view Lord Robert Newland's family tree. If you are just starting out on your DNA research and have discovered one of your ancestors has the surname Newland then may we recommend you get started with the Family Finder test as it connects your Autosomal DNA to your relatives within the the last 5 generation. If your surname is Newland and you are male, then a Y DNA test, Y37 or Y67, is a better place to start! The Y gene is only inherited by males from their father so if you are a female Newland, you will have to ask a close male Newland relative, (brother, father, grandfather, uncle) to take the Y DNA test for you.

Click on the link below.